Labor LHyGeS-CNRS (Universität Straßburg)
Kurzbeschreibung Projektpartner
LHyGeS (UMR 7517 UNISTRA-ENGEES-EOST-CNRS, University of Strasbourg). Permanent staff (75 fellows). The research activities of LHyGeS are focused on flow and transport in hydrosystems. These activities associate geochemistry with hydrology in order to improve our understanding of the processes at different scales (laboratory, field) and to build reliable models. LHyGeS has a great experience in developing experimental setups at field scale and laboratory scale to study flow and transport water catchments, soils and aquifers. The researchers are also involved in developping alternative new numerical and inverse methods for surface and subsurface flow and transport.
Our team "Experimental and Isotope Biogeochemistry" (5 fellows) focuses on the transformation and transport of organic (industrial or diffuse) pollutants and heavy metals (Cu, Zn) in relation to catchment hydrology and biogeochemistry. The team has expertise in catchment hydrology in agricultural contexts, biogeochemistry of pollutants using compound-specific isotopeanalysis (CSIA), and microbial transformation in wetland systems. Ongoing projects involve isotopic, hydrological modelling and genomic approaches in different environments (soil, sediment, wetland, river or aquifers) and at scales ranging from elemental processes, through microcosms, to lab-scale experiments and in situ investigations.
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